
Rheita (Musikinstrument)

"THE OBOE of the Near East is conical, except for a few varieties. It is made of wood and turned on a lathe so that it is smooth and perfectly round, and it expands at the end to form the bell. [...] Still, various countries use their own idiomatic terms; in Algeria and Marocco it is called ḡaiṭa (spelled rheita in the bands of French colonial regiments as the Arabic sound is intermediate between gh and r) [...]." - Sachs, Curt: The History of Musical Instruments, New York 1940, S. 248.

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Tunesisches Straßenlied: ZerzisTunesisches Volkslied: Mruba fnäniTunesisches Volkslied: Mruba fnäniMdauri la'ab el hîl (Beduinenweise auf Rheita mit Bendir)Tunesisch ghanaja mtar zähza "Kamelfrauen-Sänftenlied" (Hochzeitsweise)Rheita Solo: Kairuaner Lied
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