
Holy door

A Holy Door (Latin: Porta Sancta) is traditionally an entrance portal located within the Papal major basilicas in Rome. The doors are normally sealed by mortar and cement from the inside so that they cannot be opened. They are ceremoniously opened during Jubilee years designated by the Pope, for pilgrims who enter through those doors may piously gain the plenary indulgences attached with the Jubilee year celebrations.

In October 2015, Pope Francis expanded the tradition by having each Roman Catholic diocese throughout the world designate one or more local Holy Doors during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, so that Catholics could gain the plenary indulgences granted during the Jubilee year without having to travel to Rome.

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Medaille von Federico Parmense auf Papst Gregor XIII. und die Öffnung der Heiligen Pforte, 1575Medaille von Niccolo Bonis auf Papst Gregor XIII. und das „Collegium Germanicum“, 1573Medaille auf den Kardinal Alessandro Sforza und das Heilige Jahr 1575Medaille von Papst Julius III. mit Darstellung der Heiligen Pforte, 1550Guilio von Papst Klemens X. auf das Heilige Jahr, 1675Medaille von Giovanni Hamerani auf Papst Clemens X. und das Heilige Jahr, 1675
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