
Silhouette animation

Silhouette animation is animation in which the characters are only visible as black silhouettes. This is usually accomplished by backlighting articulated cardboard cut-outs, though other methods exist. It is partially inspired by, but for a number of reasons technically distinct from, shadow play.

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Bewegliche Papierfigur: Ziegenbock aus dem Trickfilm "Helen La Belle"Bewegliche Papierfigur: Prinzessin aus dem Trickfilm "The Frog Prince"Scherenschnitt: Elch aus dem "Tieralphabet"Scherenschnitt: Papageno und Papagena aus Mozarts ZauberflöteStill aus dem Trickfilm "Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed"Das Brückenloch (Jahr unbekannt)
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