
Barbara Krader (1922-2006)

Barbara Krader
By Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University

Barbara Lattimer Krader (born 1922) was among the first generation of post-World War II American scholars to train in Russian and east European studies. She studied with the great slavicist and theorist Roman Jakobson and spent a year in Prague University in the fateful year of 1948-9, when eastern Europe was in the throes of decisive intellectual and societal change. Back in the U.S., she moved into ethnomusicological and folklore circles. In Speaking of Music, the compendium of music conferences over the decades, there is a photo of the International Folk Music Council meeting in Indiana in 1950, and there she is, alongside Charles and Ruth Crawford Seeger, Albert Lord, George Herzog, and a group of distinguished European scholars, already making the connections that would mark her career.

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