
Societé-Céramique Maastricht

"The entrepreneurs Winand Nicolaas Clermont and Charles Chainaye in 1851 founded a pottery in the Maastricht neighbourhood Wijck. Their company was taken over in 1859 by the Belgian engineer Guillaume Lambert and transformed into a limited partnership. Four years later it became a limited liability company that became generally known as ’Société Céramique’.
Under the directorate of Victor Jaunez (1863-1913), engineer P.J. Lengersdorff (1902-1915) and Edgar Michel (1915-1954), Société Céramique flourished and became the main competitor of Petrus Regout’s firm, which was renamed Sphinx in 1899. Around 1900 the products of Société Céramique vied with those of Sphinx in price as well as in quality.
In the twentieth century, Société Céramique started to focus more and more on the production of sanitary ware. In 1958, to the surprise of many, the company merged with its Maastricht competitor Sphinx.
The factory premises were demolished in the early 1990’s to make room for a prestigious new housing estate, which was given the name Céramique." -, 11.08.2018

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