
Henry Wilkinson & Co Ltd

"Henry Wilkinson & Co, Plate Worker, Norfolk Street, Sheffield entered its first mark in the Sheffield Assay Office on September 24, 1831.
Henry Wilkinson & Co was involved in the manufacture of Old Sheffield Plate and was the second firm in Sheffield to receive a licence for the use of the electroplating system (1843).
Various pieces of its production were successfully exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851
Since the 1850s Henry Wilkinson & Co was active in London with James Price as agent and from 1857 with a Showroom at 4 Bolt Court, Fleet Street (later, Ely House, 13 Charterhouse Street, Holborn Circus).
Hallmarks were entered in London Assay Office in 1857 (by Henry Wilkinson) and 1879 (by John Brashier).
In 1872 the firm was converted into a Limited Liability Company under the style Henry Wilkinson & Co Ltd.
In 1892 the business went into liquidation and was bought by Walker & Hall.

J.Winter c. 1760
Winter, Parsons & Hall c. 1770-1773
John Parsons & Co 1773-1787
J. & T. Settle c. 1815-1829
Settle & Wilkinson c. 1829
Henry Wilkinson & Co c. 1830-1872
Henry Wilkinson & Co Ltd 1872-1892" -, 25.03.2021

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