
Watcombe Pottery Co.

"The Watcombe Pottery existed for nearly one hundred years during which they produced a wonderful and varied amount of pottery much of it unique but also in the style and trends of Torquay and of the times. It was in the grounds of Watcombe House near Torquay that the fine red Devon clay was first discovered about 1865. This prompted the owner a G. P. Allen to establish the Watcombe Terracotta Clay Company off Teignmouth Road, St. Marychurch in 1869 with Charles Brock a Staffordshire potter to train the local workers and supervise the experience Staffordshire ones like William Samuel Bond.
Classical styles of the period like terracotta busts, figures, urns and jugs were produced first, undoubtedly some of these and later works of enamel decorated terracotta were influenced by the designs of Dr. Christopher Dresser." -, 25.03.2021

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