
Nicolaus Westermann (1678-1758)

Philologe und Bibliothekar - gnd, 09.07.2020

"Nikolaus Westermann (1678-1758) attended several universitities, among them, Bremen. In 1713, he was appointed to the university of Frankfurt an der Oder as Professor of Rhetoric, Poetry, and Greek. Although he accepted occasional commissions (e.g. an appointment in 1727 in St. Petersburg as Imperial Russian Historiographer), Westerman held the position in Frankfurt until his death ..." - Darrell M. Berg, The Correspondence of Christian Gottfried Krause, St. Louis (Washington University), Fußnote 342

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Lucius VerusTraianusByzantion: LysimachiBrandenburg: Joachim II.SmyrnaPhilippopolis
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Owned Nicolaus Westermann (1678-1758)
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Trajan (53-117)

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