
John Romney (1785-1863)

"John Romney (June 1785 – 1 February 1863) was an English artist in printmaking and watercolour who lived and worked in London and Chester.[a] Much of his work consisted of reproductions of the work of other artists, but he produced some original prints, paintings and drawings. Like the great majority of contemporary printmakers he worked in both engraving and etching, often on the same plate, and descriptions of his prints as being in one or the other technique should be taken loosely. His best known original prints are series of views of the Chester area and his part of one on the antiquities in the British Museum. He was apparently not related to the famous portraitist George Romney (1734–1802)." - (Wikipedia (en) 30.08.2021)

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Porträt John Gay (1685-1732)Vor Gericht
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Druckplatte hergestellt John Romney (1785-1863)
Vorlagenerstellung John Thurston (1774-1822)

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