
Museum of the Bessarabian and Dobrudja Germans

Über das Museum

The museum was founded in 1952 with a collection on the life of the Germans in Bessarabia and Dobruja. It covers the period from the settlement of the many emigrants from Swabia from 1814 to the resettlement of the German ethnic group in the war year 1940, as well as contemporary documents on settlement during the Nazi era, flight from the Red Army and new beginnings in post-war Germany and overseas. The collection includes documents on the history of the ethnic group, taxidermy, village views and plans, models of farms and other buildings, farm wagons, agricultural implements, household items, textile handicrafts and sacred objects. Information boards provide the historical background. A special library with archives and a genealogical department are attached to the museum, which sees itself as a documentation center for Bessarabian German history and culture.

  • Barrierefrei
    (D) Im Haus befindet sich ein Fahrstuhl zwischen den Etagen und vom Eingang zum Museum. Eine behindertengerechte Toilette ist vorhanden. (E) There is a lift in the building between the floors and from the entrance to the museum. A disabled toilet is available.
  • Fotografieren erlaubt
  • Garderobe: Verfügbar
  • Schließfächer: Nicht verfügbar
  • Museumsshop
  • Kein Museumscafé
  • Kein Wickelraum

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