
T. Holcroft & Sons

"Thomas Holcroft and Sons Ltd. of Ettingshall Foundry, Wolverhampton.
1879 Company established by Thomas Holcroft
Manufactured hollow-ware and hardware.
1893 Incorporated as a private limited company.
1900 Premises (retail?) also in Market St, Bilston
1914 Manufacurers of tinned and enamelled cast-iron hollow-ware, light castings of all kinds for home and export. Specialities: machine-made light castings, porcelain enamelling and tinning on cast-iron, galvanizing.[1]
WWI manufactured hand grenades and other cast iron products for use at the front.
1928 Harold Holcroft relinquished his position as Chairman and was followed by Frederick Holcroft, his younger brother. Mr. R. H. Halbeard was appointed Managing Director and remained until his retirement.
1950 Maker of domestic hollow-ware and castings of all sorts.
1967 Manufacturers of flat-bottom cast-iron hollow-ware, and of repetition grey iron and non-ferrous castings.
1969 The company closed" -, 28.12.2019

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Hergestellt T. Holcroft & Sons
[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Denis Papin (1647-1712) ()