

"The AmaGcaleka are a major subgroup of the Xhosa found in the former Transkei area of the Eastern Cape. Their counterparts in the former Ciskei are the Rharhabe (of which the primary tribe is the Ngqika), although Rharhabe live in the Transkei area as well.[1]
The Gcaleka kingdom was founded by Gcaleka kaPhalo, who became King in 1775." - Wikipedia (en), 07.07.2019

"The AmaGcaleka are a major subgroup of the Xhosa found in the former Transkei area of the Eastern Cape. Their counterparts in the former Ciskei are the Rharhabe (of which the primary tribe is the Ngqika), although Rharhabe live in the Transkei area as well.

The Gcaleka kingdom was founded by Gcaleka kaPhalo, who became King in 1775." - (Wikipedia (en) 11.08.2021)

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Hergestellt Gcaleka
Gesammelt H.K. Wagner ()