
Daud ben Yazid el-Muhallabi (-787)

"Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi (Arabic: يزيد بن حاتم المهلبي) (died March 13, 787) was a member of the Muhallabid family who served as the governor of Adharbayjan, Egypt (762–769) and Ifriqiya (771–787) for the Abbasid Caliphate.

Yazid was a close associate of the future caliph al-Mansur (reigned 754–775) and was present in the latter's camp during the surrender of Wasit in 750. He was subsequently appointed as governor of Adharbayjan, where he initiated a program to transfer Yemeni Arabs from Basra and settle them in the province. In 755 he was one of the commanders who attempted to put down the Kharijite rebel Mulabbid ibn Harmalah al-Shaybani in the region of Mosul, but he was defeated and forced to withdraw." - (Wikipedia (en) 16.05.2022)

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[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Daud ben Yazid el-Muhallabi (-787)
[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Al-Mahdi (744-785) ()

Beauftragt Daud ben Yazid el-Muhallabi (-787)
[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Al-Mahdi (744-785) ()
[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Hārūn ar-Raschīd (763-809) ()