
Giovanni Battista Brustolon (1712-1796)

"Giovanni Battista Brostoloni (born c. 1726) was an Italian engraver, born in Venice. He was a pupil of Joseph Wagner. He engraved two Portraits of Pope Benedict XIV and a St. Theresa in Adoration. He also produced twenty vedute of Venice (1763) and twelve large plates of Ceremonies of the Election of Doge and his Marriage with Adriatic –all after Canaletto." - (Wikipedia (en) 13.11.2019)

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Druckplatte hergestellt Giovanni Battista Brustolon (1712-1796)
Veröffentlicht Furlanetto, Lodovico ()
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) / [Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Maria (Mutter Jesu) ()
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Jesus Christus ()
Geistige Schöpfung / Gemalt / Gezeichnet Giovanni Antonio Canal (1697-1768) ()
Geistige Schöpfung Antonio Visentini (1688-1782) ()