
Giulio Campagnola (1482-1515)

"Giulio Campagnola (Italian: [ˈdʒuːljo kampaɲˈɲɔːla]; c. 1482 – c. 1515) was an Italian engraver and painter, whose few, rare, prints translated the rich Venetian Renaissance style of oil paintings of Giorgione and the early Titian into the medium of engraving; to further his exercises in gradations of tone, he also invented the stipple technique, where multitudes of tiny dots or dashes allow smooth graduations of tone in the essentially linear technique of engraving; variations on this discovery were to be of huge importance in future printmaking. He was the adoptive father of the artist Domenico Campagnola." - (Wikipedia (en) 04.06.2021)

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Druckplatte hergestellt Giulio Campagnola (1482-1515)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) / [Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Jupiter (Mythologie) ()
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Ganymed (Mythologie) ()
Druckplatte hergestellt Domenico Campagnola (1500-1564) ()