
Tendo Mokko Ltd.

"Tendo Mokko was established in 1940 in Tendo, which has long been known as a woodworking town famous for the Japanese chess pieces it produced. Yamagata artisans have always had a mentality that combined curiosity, technique and the patience of the people of the North. In 1940, techniques to use molded plywood were still new in Japan, and it opened up a new field of furniture making in the country.", 25.11.2017

"Tendo Mokko (天童木工, Tendō Mokkō)) is a Japanese furniture maker based in Tendō, Yamagata, Japan.

The speciality of Tendo Mokko is making fine furniture that has won design awards from plywood, with some of their items, such as chairs and tables appearing in museums and commanding high prices at furniture auctions." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

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Hergestellt Tendo Mokko Ltd.