
Jacques Jonghelinck (1530-1606)

"Jacques Jonghelinck (Antwerp, 21 October 1530 - 1606) was a Flemish sculptor and medallist working in Brussels in the Mannerist style common to the Catholic courts of Western Europe.
He moved from Antwerp to set up a workshop in Brussels in 1562 and was appointed court sculptor the following year.
In Brussels he specialized in funeral monuments for an aristocratic clientele and was also a successful merchant, and financier. He belonged to the immediate entourage of the diplomat Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, president of the council of state from 1556 to 1564.
He collaborated as sculptor and bronze-founder with the sculptor Joos Aerts in the gilt-bronze and black marble memorial of Charles the Bold (died 1477) in the Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk ("Church of Our Lady") (Bruges), completed in 1563." - (Wikipedia (en) 26.12.2019)

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Hergestellt Jacques Jonghelinck (1530-1606)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Pedro Henriquez de Acevedo (1525-1610) ()
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Philipp II. von Spanien (1527-1598) ()