
Minton, Hollins & Co. (Stoke-on-Trent)

"Minton Hollins & Co
primary name: primary name: Minton Hollins & Co
organisation; manufacturer/factory; British
Other dates
Tile manufacturers, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. Factory founded by Thomas Minton in 1793/6. His son, Herbert Minton, started making tiles in the 1830s. In 1845 the tile department became a separate concern under Michael Daintry Hollins (who had became Herbert Minton's partner in that year), but in partnership with the china business, trading as Minton & Co. The tile business also traded as Minton & Co for encaustic or inlaid tiles and as Minton Hollins & Co for wall tiles, but they were all made in the same factory. In 1868 the partnership ended; Hollins built a new tile factory in 1869, and continued to trade both as Minton & Co and as Minton Hollins & Co. The firm was absorbed into H & R Johnson-Richards in 1962." -, 27.11.2021

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Hergestellt Minton, Hollins & Co. (Stoke-on-Trent)
[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] Landesgewerbemuseum Stuttgart ()