
Dubroeucq, Jacques

"Jacques du Broeucq (c.1505 – c.1584) was a sculptor and architect from Southern Netherlands.

Jacques du Broeucq was born and died in Mons and is perhaps best known as the teacher of Giambologna in Antwerp.

Du Broeucq rebuilt Binche Palace south of Brussels for Queen Mary of Hungary, governess of the Spanish Netherlands, in 1545–49; Binche, the center of Mary's patronage, was intended to rival Fontainebleau; it was demolished by the soldiers of Henry II of France in 1554.

He also designed the castle of Boussu and Mariemont Palace.

One of his most famous apprentice was Jean Boulogne, better known as Giovanni Bologne or Giambologna." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

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Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Dubroeucq, Jacques
Gemalt / Geistige Schöpfung Anthonis van Dyck (1599-1641) ()
Druckplatte hergestellt Paulus Pontius (1603-1658) ()