
Teisai Hokuba (1771-1844)

"Teisai Hokuba (蹄斎北馬) (printmaker; painter/draughtsman; Japanese; Male; 1771 - 1844)
Also known as: Teisai Hokuba; Teisai (go); 蹄斎; Shuen (go); 秋園; Shunshunsai (go); 駿々斎; Shunshuntei (go); 駿々亭; Arisaka (family name); 有坂; Hoshino (family name); 星野; Mitsutaka (imina); 光隆; Gorohachi (common name); 五郎八
Biography: Hokuba was one of the earliest and most significant pupils of Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), just about the only one who was ultimately able to establish a truly independent painting style. From about 1800-12 he is known to have produced illustrations for more than sixty ’kyoka’ poetry anthologies and novels in the ’yomihon’ and ’gokan’ genres. The rest of his career as an artist was given over mainly to painting hanging scrolls of beautiful women, typically with the figure done in highly colourful detail and the landscape in an ink-wash style adopted from the Edo Kano school." -, 21.07.2018

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